Terms & Conditions

ELAM Termsof Service

- General provisions -

1Agents acting on behalf of payments employed by theCompany to conduct non-transactional transactions under this Agreement are alsoparties to this Agreement. Details of payment agents are set forth in thisAgreement. Companies, payment agents and clients are collectively referred toas "party".

The following documents are an integral part ofthis Service Agreement (documents attached to this Service Agreement).

a. Trading rules

b. Non-transactional transaction regulation andKYC/AML policy

c. Risk disclosure


2. The Company may unilaterally change the list, nameand content of the annexes to this Agreement. The Company may add new annexesto the contract or delete existing annexes without modifying this clause. Thetext of the service contract and appendix is ​​called a contract.


3. Customers should carefullyreview the terms of the contract. By agreeing to the terms of this Agreement, customersagree to the terms of all annexes listed above, including those for subdomainsof the Company's website accessible to customers, and that they are legallycompetent and traders in options. Confirm that they are not a resident of acountry that could be considered illegal.

The customer also representsand warrants to the company that:

3.1. All information providedat the time of customer registration and contract execution is true, accurate,reliable and complete in all respects, and the customer fills out the registrationform himself.

3.2. Customers have a legalstatus to enter into this Agreement, to issue inquiries and instructions, toexercise its rights and to fulfill its obligations in accordance with the termsof the agreement.

3.3. Customers conduct transactionsand non-transactional transactions personally and at their own expense, and donot use funds borrowed from other company’s customers or third parties toconduct transactions. Customers are guided by the principles of integrity,honesty and rationality. Customers do not take coordinated action with othercompany customers to damage the company. Customers do not use technicalfeatures and software errors, flaws and vulnerabilities performed by them. Donot distribute information to third parties for profit purposes. Customers donot do business with the company through unfair and dishonest ways of dealing.When dealing with the company, customers do not use insider, confidentialinformation or other information that could benefit the customer.

3.4. Customers especiallycomply with international norms for controlling illegal transactions, financialfraud and money laundering.

3.5. Customers do not engagein illegal financial activities or other illegal transactions by usingtransaction terminals or websites.

3.6. The money the customerputs in the company's account has a legal origin. The customer legally owns themoney and has the right to use and manage it. Customer's accounts are notreplenished by third-party payment methods. Customers will not replenish thirdparty customer accounts or withdraw money from their accounts to third partypayment methods.

3.7. Any action by thecustomer under the contract may result in any laws, regulations, rights,bylaws, rules and regulations or regulations applicable to the jurisdiction inwhich the customer or the customer's agent resides, or any other contract thatis binding on the customer or contains the customer's property. Do not violatethe provisions.

3.8. To conduct transactions,customers use the data of their own accounts and do not transmit account datato third parties, and the company does not use customer account data fortransactional and non-transactional operations.


- Terms of service -

1. Upon registration,customers must provide accurate and reliable identification information inaccordance with the requirements of the customer registration form.

2. After registration,customers will be given access rights, the ability to transfer funds to thecustomers’ account (deposit into the customer's account to make optiontransactions), and to perform other operations.

3. Customers (within 7 daysafter the change of personal information) must immediately notify the companyof any changes in identification information and contact information by othermethods provided by the company. The company reserves the right to request sothat the customer can be identified and the source of the customer's funds canbe investigated at any time after registration, and the customer shall provideall identification documents within 7 days ofreceipt of the request. (A document confirming). Taxes and other documents atthe discretion of the company indicating the financial position of thecustomer). We reserve the right to discontinue non-transactions andtransactions on your account if we believe that your identity information isinaccurate or inaccurate. If the customer does not provide the requesteddocument, the company reserves the right to block access from the customeruntil the customer confirms it. When the company provides the requesteddocument, the authentication process is completed. In addition, the companyreserves the right to require the customer to personally visit the company'sauthorized representative, which is determined at the company's discretion, toprovide documents.


4. When you log in to ELAM , it is password protected.

4.1. When registering, thecustomer confirms and agrees that ELAM can be accessed with the passwordset by the customer. Members cannot transmit ELAM passwords to thirdparties.

4.2. Members are responsiblefor protecting passwords and preventing unauthorized third-party access.

4.3. Members who ELAM by entering the customer's password are identified as customersunless otherwise specified by the company.

4.4. The Company shall not beheld liable for any losses that may be incurred by customers in the event oftheft, loss or disclosure of passwords to third parties or unauthorized use ofregistration data by third parties.


5. Customers can change theirown password or use the password recovery procedure set by the company.


- Community -

1. To communicate withmembers, the company may post the notices on the company’s website as follows.(E-mail, fax, SNS, Email Letter, Dashboard, CS, etc. (pushing notification,service message, etc.)


2. The company uses thecustomer's contact information entered when the customer registers or modifiesthe account according to the terms of the contract in order to solve problems relatedto the customer. Customers can accept the company's message at any time.


3. All correspondences(documents, notices, confirmations, announcements, reports, etc.) are deemed tohave been received by the customer.

(After posting the notice onthe company’s website)

4. Customers may also contactthe Company by email address and this Agreement and Company website.


5. The customer understandsand agrees that the company reserves the right to unilaterally terminate thecontract if the customer's actions are inappropriate during the conversationwith the company representative.


6. The company can sendinformation, marketing, advertising materials and service messages and solveother tasks using the contact information provided by the customer. The company,at its discretion, decides how often it sends messages to customers. If thecustomer does not wish to receive informational (and other) messages from thecompany, they must unsubscribe by clicking the unsubscribe link (if the messageformat provides this functionality) or by contacting customer support.


- Dispute Resolution -

1. The parties agreed to makeevery effort to negotiate all disputes between the Company and the customerrelated to transactions, payments and other measures.


2. In the event of a dispute,the customer may submit a claim and complaint to the company and send astatement or notice to the company. All claims, litigations, statements,opinions, and notices related to transactions conducted by the customer must besubmitted in accordance with the following requirements.

2.1. Invoices, lawsuits,statements, opinions, and notices must be submitted in writing.

2.2. Claims, proceedings,statements, opinions, and notices must include the following information: Lastname, first name, middle name (if any), customer's email, customer's accountnumber, date and time of dispute, customer's request, charge amount andjustification (if the claim can be valued in money), The evidence and evidencesupporting this situation, references to the provisions of this Agreement inviolation of the customer's opinion (Appendix), a list of documents and otherevidence attached to the customer's certified invoice (complaint), and otherinformation necessary to resolve the dispute, etc.

2.3 Claims, lawsuits,statements, opinions, and notifications must be sent by the customer within 5 business days after the criteria for filing theclaim (complaint) have been established. The customer acknowledges and agreesthat submission of a claim (complaint) may be delayed.

2.4. Claims, lawsuits,statements, opinions, and notifications can be registered by e-mail or sent tothe company by certified e-mail. Claims, complaints, statements andnotifications are not sent in any form other than email.


3. Claims, lawsuits,statements, opinions and notices must not contain a) an emotional assessment ofthe dispute, b) an insulting statement against the company, c) a disrespectfulstatement.


4. The company may requestadditional documents and information from customers to respond to claims,lawsuits, statements, opinions, and notices. Claims, complaints, statements,and notifications are reviewed based on customer-supplied data and log entrieson company servers. Company server log entries always take precedence overother evidence and evidence. We are not responsible for any incompletetransactions, and we do not compensate any moral harm for any financial damagesuffered by the customer or for what the customer considers as lost profit.When considering a dispute, it is not considered for customers to refer toinformation from other companies and websites.


5. The Company may rejectclaims, lawsuits, statements, opinions, and notices in case of violation of theprovisions of this Agreement within the Company.


6. The company must considerclaims, litigation, statements, and appeals within 10 business days of filing.This term does not include the time for the customer to provide additionaldocumentation at the request of the company.


7. If the Company fails toresolve the customer's claim, lawsuit, statement, opinion, or notice throughthe above dispute resolution procedure, the customer may submit a claim to theFinancial Services Commission (www.financialcommission.org).


8. Other than the above provisionsspecified in the provisions

In the dispute resolutionprocedure 2.7, the customer can make a claim to the court if he or she firstsubmits a claim to the company according to this dispute resolution procedure.The claim procedure for dispute resolution is considered as follows if the formand content of the claim meets the requirements of the provisions.

a) Claims will be sent to thecompany's registration email via registration email or authenticated email.

b) The customer must have aconfirmation of receipt of the claim by us.

c) The deadline for respondingto the claim has expired. Billing Response Time-60 days after we receive it.


9. In the event of a dispute,we reserve the right to completely or partially block the transaction from thecustomer's account until the dispute is resolved or the parties enter into atemporary contract.


- Governing Law -

1. This contract is made inthe country of registration of the company and is regulated by the laws of thecountry of registration of the company. Services under this Agreement areprovided in the country of registration of the company.


2. Customer agrees that a) inconnection with this Agreement, the courts of the country of registration ofthe company have the exclusive jurisdiction to carry out all legal proceedings.b) Submit to the court jurisdiction of the country of registration of thecompany. c) waives the appeal of such court proceedings. d) It does not claimto be inconvenient with respect to the location of the trial, and does notdeclare that the location of the trial has no legal jurisdiction over theclient.


- Responsibilities of Parties -

1. The responsibilities of theparties to this Agreement are determined by the terms of the Agreement and itsannexes.


2. The Company shall be liableonly for actual damages incurred to the Customer by intentionally violating theCompany's obligations under this Agreement. The company is only responsible forthe actions of its agents, departments and payment agents and only for its ownactions.


3. The customer is responsiblefor the following losses


a) Damage caused by thecustomer's failure to provide (or late) all documents required to be providedto the Company pursuant to this Agreement and its accompanying documents, anddamage caused to the Company due to incorrect presentation of the informationcontained in the documents provided by the customer. Can be held accountable.


b) Damage (including loss)resulting from abuse of services provided by the Company to customers, damage(including loss) resulting from the use of robots and/or automatic transactionalgorithms and/or special software tools, other tools, devices, methods andtechnologies, guarantee of integrity, honesty and fairness in the conduct ofdamages transactions by the Company.


c) For damages incurred by thecustomer as a result of actions coordinated with other customers of the companyor affiliates of the customer for the purpose of causing losses to the companyusing other unfair and dishonest methods and trading (transaction) techniques,including the use of bonuses. In any case, "Customer Affiliate" is,to some extent, a kinship, marital relationship, affiliation or otherrelationship, a person using the same address as an individual, a person usingthe same device, or by a customer of the same partner or company as a company’scustomer. It means that a person employed, and a person who participates injoint activities or the formation of a legal entity. The company reserves theright to expand the list of circumstances and attributes in which customers andthird parties may be recognized as affiliates.


d) There is sufficientevidence that the customer has attempted to illegally use the software providedby the company and the funds transferred to the company's account.


e) For damages incurred to thecompany by extracting revenue using the technical features of ELAM Stream Update and extracting revenue using ELAM softwareerrors and vulnerabilities.


f) If the customer usesinternal, confidential or other information to act in favor of the customer toenter into a transaction with the company, causing damage to the company, thecompany will debit the customer's account or someone else's account for suchloss. You have the right to debit this account on the customer's (or customer'saccomplice) if it is confirmed that it belongs to the customer (or thecustomer's accomplice) using the company's technology and other equipment andtools. We also have the power to block further transactions on ELAM andthe dashboard, categorize their actions (including joint actions with othercustomers) to cause damage to the company and debit funds from the client'saccount. You can have enough grounds and doubts to do it.


4. If the customer violatesthis contract, the company may, at its own option, do the following.


4.1. Review the amount of thecompany's financial obligations to the customer and change the data (balance)of the customer's account.

4.2. Stop serving customersand block access to ELAM . In the event of blocking a customer's access ELAM , the customer must take all reasonable steps necessary to remedy thereason why access to ELAM was blocked. We may withdraw all funds from thetrading account if the customer does not take action or action to resolve thereason for the blocked access within 30 days. The company reserves the right,but is not obligated to re-deposit all funds withdrawn into the customer'strading account provided the customer meets all the requirements required tounblock the trading account.


5. In the event that thecustomer violates the contracts and key parts of the contracts listed inSection 1.2, such as failing to provide necessary information after undergoingnecessary verification, the company has the right to terminate the contract,the right to invalidate the customer's transaction, and the customer'stransaction. You have the right to close one, several or all transactionsyourself. The Company, at its discretion, ceases to provide services to customers,and at its discretion, neither returns nor returns funds to clients. If youviolate the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, you will be deprived ofyour right to request payment or refund from the Company.

5.1. If the company terminatesthe contract with the customer for breach of the contract, the customer has noright to open a new account, including entering third party data duringregistration. If the Company detects a violation of the customer specified inthis clause, the consequences specified in this clause of the contract shallapply.


6. The company shall not beheld liable to the customer for any damages, losses, loss of profit, loss ofopportunity, cost or damage to the customer as a result of the transactionpursuant to the terms of the contract.


7. The company shall not beheld liable if the information displayed on the customer's transaction terminaland the information on the company server do not match when determining thecustomer's transaction result. To eliminate this discrepancy, the companyadjusts ELAM data according to the information available on thecompany's servers.


8. If the damage caused by anaccident (breakdown) of a hacker attack, computer network, communicationnetwork, transmission line or communication system, etc. is directly used todetermine the essential conditions of the customer's transaction or to verifyother company's operating procedures, We are not responsible for any damages.(No company's fault)


9. The Company shall not beheld liable for any loss to customers due to technical breakdown orinterruption of ELAM operation caused by hacker attacks, computernetwork, communication network, transmission line or communication systemaccident (breakdown).


10. The company is notresponsible for any transaction results determined by the customer based on theanalysis data provided by the company and third parties. Customer understandsthat transactions under this Agreement bear the risk of not receiving expectedincome and the risk of losing some or all of the money deposited in theCustomer's account. Unless there is any fraud, intentional breach ofobligations or gross negligence on the part of the company, the company shallcover losses, costs and damages to customers due to inaccuracy of theinformation provided to the customer, including, but not limited to,information about the customer's information. I am not responsible. The companyreserves the right to cancel or terminate all customer transactions inaccordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.Nevertheless, the customer continues to carry out any transactions made due tothis inaccurate information or error, and both the customer and the companymust perform.


11. The Company shall not beheld liable to third parties for losses that may occur to customers in case oftheft, loss or disclosure of passwords of ELAM . Developers areresponsible for protecting passwords and protecting them from unauthorizedthird party access.


12. The Company shall not beliable for any breach of obligations (improper performance) caused by forcemajeure events or other exceptional conditions specified in the contract orappendix.


13. The Company shall not beliable for indirect, special, arbitrary or punitive damages by the customer,including, but not limited to, loss of profit, loss of expected savings or lossof income, even if the customer notifies us of the possibility of such damage.Does not. Moral hazard is not compensated.


14. The Company may considerthe customer's violation at any time regardless of the time of the violation,and if any violation is found, it may take action in accordance with thisAgreement.


- Period and Termination -

1. This Agreement enters intoforce upon its conclusion (customer registration with ELAM)


2. Each party may unilaterallyterminate this Agreement.

2.1. The contract isterminated in accordance with the company's initiative after the date specifiedin the notice sent by the company to the customer.

2.2. This Agreement shall be terminatedat the customer's initiative 5 business days after the Company receives theCustomer's written notice, including a declaration of termination, if theCustomer has no obligations not fulfilled.


3. This Agreement shall bedeemed terminated in relation to the parties when the mutual obligations of thecustomer and the company are fulfilled and all liabilities of each party arerepaid.


- Final rule -

1. The Company shallunilaterally modify or add to this Agreement and its annexes. Regardless of thecircumstances specified in this document, all modifications and additions madeby the Company will take effect on the date designated by us.


2. Modifications and additionsto this Agreement and its annexes are the rules and contracts of thetransaction system used by the Company to fulfill its obligations under thisAgreement at the same time as amendments to the laws and regulations governingthe subject matter of this Agreement and amendments to the above documents. Itis implemented due to a modification to


3. When the amendments andsupplements made by the company are implemented, they apply equally to allcustomers, including those who entered into contracts before the effectivedate.


4. Customers should ELAM or the trading platform at least once a week to find information onmodifications and additions so that the contracted customer is aware ofmodifications and additions.


5. As members provide theirpersonal data to the company in any form (through the company website orcompany), they must agree with the company and partners for automatic andnon-automatic processing of personal data. Fulfillment of this Agreement,performance of advertising campaigns, provision of advertising, information andmarketing materials, information on campaigns and events held by the Company,and other purposes, namely collection, recording, systematization,accumulation, storage, adjustment (update, modification), ex. Track, transmit(grant access) personal data, block, delete, destroy, and transmit personalinformation. Consent is provided until the expiration of the retention periodfor documents or related information containing information determined by thecurrent laws of the company location. Consent can be withdrawn according to theprivacy policy. We guarantee the confidentiality of personal data provided byour customers, except under circumstances set by applicable laws and forcemajeure.


6. Members may use theinformation provided to other members orally or in writing by the company or athird party and use them as part of the services provided to them only fortransactions pursuant to this contract. Members cannot distribute, change orsupplement the information mentioned above and cannot store them separately. Inany case, the scope of the rights granted to the customer for informationposted by the third party cannot exceed the scope of the rights obtained by usfrom the third party. We do not warrant that information posted by thirdparties will be reliable, accurate or relevant and will be providedcontinuously without interruption. In addition, we are not responsible for theoutcome of any transaction (loss, loss of profit, loss of profit, loss ofprofit, loss of goodwill, etc.) that the customer decides to perform, either verballyor in writing to the customer, or based on information communicated to thecustomer by a third party.


7. The company may transferall or part of the rights and obligations under this contract and accompanyingdocuments to a third party. Transfer of these rights and obligations does notrequire prior notice from the customer by the company and must be made at thetime appropriate information is posted on the company's website.


- Rights and obligations -


1. The customer has thefollowing rights.


1.1. Operation instructionsthrough this site (ELAM ) must be provided to the company.


1.2. In the event of adispute, the claim must be properly filed in an official letter or by e-mailwith the details specified by the company on the site.


1.3. If there is no debt tothe company, this contract is unilaterally terminated.


2. Customer's Obligations

2.1. When receiving servicesand performing on-site operation, customers comply with the provisions of thiscontract.

2.2. The customer will take solelyresponsible for any actions or omissions arising from the use of the client'sor other third party's username and password with respect to the client'susername and password to access the Company's site (ELAM ) or platform.

2.3. The customer will takeexclusive responsibility for all actions and omissions by the customer,including the responsibility of carrying out on-site operational orders.

2.4. The customer will take fullresponsibility for strategy selection and consideration of risks that may arisefrom operation or service provision.

2.5. The customer will takefull responsibility for preserving the confidentiality of information receivedfrom the Company and for accepting the risk of financial loss to the customeror the Company that may arise from unauthorized access to the customer accountof a third party.

2.6. Within 7 days from thetime of the member's information change, the company must be notified that thecustomer's contact information has changed through an official letter or email.

2.7. The customer willregister only one account on the site. If it is confirmed that the client hasmultiple accounts, the service provision is canceled and additional services arenot performed. The Company reserves the right to block all customer accounts,and the customer's funds contained herein are not regarded as the Company'sobligation to withdraw for the customer.


3. The company has thefollowing rights.

3.1 When a customer hasreviewed the value of the Company's obligations to the customer and amends therelevant customer's operational registration items in violation of one or moreprovisions of this Agreement

3.2 Stop providing the serviceat any time without any explanation to the customer.

3.3 Unilateral termination ofthis Agreement. In this case, the company must notify the customer through anymeans available to the company within 3 business days from the end of thiscontract.

3.4 Change, add or defaultoptions rate of return, rate of return, option type acquisition potential,minimum or maximum option amount, and possible expiration periods for one,several or all assets. The company reserves the right to limit the maximumoption amount purchased for any period (1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day or other)appearing on the trading platform. Customer agrees that option prices,profitability, quotes, minimum or maximum amounts of options, and othercharacteristics may vary.

3.5. In particular, we willcontact you with all questions regarding this Agreement in order to ascertainyour willingness for your account activity.

3.6. Sections, terms andphrases of this Agreement or Terms may be amended or renamed, and the Companyis under no obligation to notify customers of such changes.

3.7 In case of an objectivecause, the company reserves the right to stop providing services to customers.

3.8. If this agreement doesnot respect the operation of the site, you must modify the size of thecompany's obligation value in favor of the customer.

3.9 Customers must employ athird party to provide services under this Agreement, provided that the thirdparty fully fulfills the Company's obligation to keep all information receivedfrom the customer in strict confidentiality.

3.10. If the Customer has notperformed any work for 3 months, the Customer has therefore not notified theCompany in writing to require the Customer to recover expenses for CustomerAccor upon termination of this Agreement and Customer's account.

3.11. Accept customer'sinstructions to start work. If the company refuses to proceed with the proposedoperation, the company is not obligated to provide a reason and the companymust notify the customer immediately.

3.12 If the customer has atechnical problem with the payment system, cancel the payment to the customerby returning the amount in the customer's account. In addition to the abovepayments, the Company may cancel payments received using software errors thatreveal them. The customer's lack of knowledge about software errors does notaffect the company's decision. Customer's account may be temporarily suspendedfor technical verification.

3.13 In order to eliminate thepossibility of online fraud and cover the transaction costs, the service may berestricted if the transaction turnover amount in the customer account isdifferent or smaller than the amount deposited. In this case, you can requestrecovery through SNS or email through CS.

3.14 If the customer does notregister information for more than 185 days, it is recognized that thecustomer's account has been deactivated and individually considers the issue ofcash return.

3.15 In all circumstances andcircumstances not covered by this Agreement, the Contracting Company reservesthe right to act in its own discretion in accordance with business and existingpractices.


4. Company's obligations

4.1. Service must be providedon site to the customer in accordance with the terms of this contract.

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